Invitation to a County 1014 Day at Didcot on Saturday 22nd April 2023
Following the arrival of the rebuilt No. 15 OA boiler from Heritage Boiler Steam Services (HBSS) last July, the opportunity was quickly taken to begin the trial fitting of the boiler into the frames. It was always anticipated that adjustments would need to be made and this is ongoing. During the autumn we took delivery of the new double chimney blastpipe which is part of the alignment process.
At the same time, construction of the new tender tank has been proceeding simultaneously and is nearing completion; we have taken delivery of the 4 bushes for the rocker arms, the refurbished expansion links and new piston rings whilst the machining of the new eccentric straps is well advanced.
The time has now come to introduce the new No. 1014 County of Glamorgan to the world and a County Open Day has been arranged at Didcot for those interested in seeing the locomotive in the flesh on Saturday 22nd April.
Whilst the boiler is at Didcot, we intend to manufacture and fit the new cladding which is now underway, manufacture the ashpan, acquire and fit the fittings and pipework, in order to reduce the amount of time ticking away on the boiler ticket to a minimum when that has been completed. A start has been made on acquiring the fittings with the lubricator but there are a number we still need to acquire including the cylinder relief, snifting, blower and brake valves as well as a myriad of smaller items. Work is also progressing on fitting the cab floor.
Turning to the motion, we still await the bushes for the connecting and coupling rods and the eccentric rod pins and bushes and the Motion Club still remains open for anyone able to donate £1000 each either as a lump sum or in eight equal payments of £125. Everyone contributing will receive a framed print of Jonathan Clay’s painting of 1014 in the condition it will appear at its launch. In addition, anyone who contributes to the extended motion appeal will receive a smokebox number plate of their favourite County.
The rebuild and restoration is now nearing the final furlong and we estimate the outstanding needed to steam No. 1014 to be in the region of £150,000 and any help to achieve this will be greatly appreciated.
We look forward and hope to see anyone interested in the Hawksworth County 1014 at Didcot on Saturday 22nd April.
