Dicky Boast comments on the recent working party...
There has been so very little happening in the last month - highly frustrating; however, a brilliant day on Saturday.
With the help of Pete Gransden we managed to roll the final two sheets of the front running board and have half bolted one side to pull it into shape.

This week I am travelling to the Midlands to issue the order for the front end - smokebox, saddle, door, and ring.
I am also enquiring into the provision of the plates for the tender tank.
In two weeks time hopefully the rear axle will be fitted and the centre one lowered and we can then lower the front one which will leave the underside clear to fit all the springs and brakes.
If you would like to get involved in this exciting project, please check out our Ways you can help page. We are always looking for volunteers. Next working party is on Saturday the 20th October.