our suppliers & SUPPORTERs
The Project offers its grateful thanks to the following for their help and generosity in providing illustrative materials:
John Benson
Stuart Black
Richard Blenkinsop
David Bradshaw
Mike Cooper
Richard Croucher
Amyas Crump
Frank Dumbleton
Chris Hawkins - Irwell Press Ltd.
Dave Hill
John Hodges
Chris Hoskin
Dennis Brynley Howells MBE
Felicity Jones – STEAM GWR Museum Swindon
Robin Leleux
Brian Morrison
Terry Nicholls
Dave Owen CME at Llangollen Railway Engineering
Robin Patrick
Mike Peart
Richard Postill
Mike Rudge
Graham Stacey – LCGB Ken Nunn Collection
The Late Paul Strong
Ron Thomas
Transport Treasury
Laurence Waters – G.W.S. Trust.
Ron White – Colour-Rail
Paul Chancellor - Colour-Rail.com
M. Whitehouse
In Memoriam
This list is dedicated to the memory of those volunteer members of the County Set who helped take the Project forward at Didcot Railway Centre, but were destined not to see the Project reach fruition.
Geoff GORE
Iain Stewart McDONALD
Peter RICH
Robert FRY
Michael COOPER
May they rest in peace.
1943 - 2012
1991 - 2010
1941 - 2014
1946 - 2015
1947 - 2016
1934 - 2017
We rely heavily on contractors and suppliers who understand our needs and can meet our quality requirements, often dealing with historical material specifications .
It is these suppliers, some very small one or two man operations, who contribute so much to what we do and to whom we offer our thanks.
We publish below all those businesses that have helped and advised us in the hope that other projects will be able to utilise this list and take advantage of the excellent UK engineering services we have received.